Helping You To Choose The Right Prescription Hearing Aids To Suit Your Circumstances, Lifestyle and Budget

We understand that you most likely don’t want to wear or buy prescription hearing aids, but you do want to feel more confident in public, be able to hear more comfortably, and feel younger once again.

That’s where we can help you.

At Clarity Hearing, we work with all manufacturers and models to find the perfect prescription hearing aids for you.

Therefore, we’re not limited to a small number of solutions – but instead, we can work with you to find the perfect fit and the perfect style at the right budget.

This means that we don’t just focus on finding the right solution for your hearing loss, but we also focus on finding the right solution for your lifestyle.

With the huge developments in hearing technology, prescription hearing aids have drastically changed over the past decade.

Today, they’re mostly invisible, have a range of advanced features, including connectivity to your cell phone, television, or devices, and they even include rechargeable batteries.

But before we can discuss hearing solutions, the first step is to book your hearing test so that we can test the extensity of your hearing loss.

Hearing loss can be due to several reasons including simple things like a build-up of earwax – but to diagnose the problem, the first step is to book your hearing test with our expert team.

Schedule Your Comprehensive Hearing Assessment

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I noticed my first signs of hearing loss in 2018. I had concerns that hearing aids would be very uncomfortable. My first impression of Clarity Hearing was they are awesome! Hearing aids have much improved my life. If you are considering visiting Clarity Hearing, then hurry – don’t delay. Dr. Alix is the best!!!

James O'Connor

It was about six years ago when I first noticed I had a hearing loss. I had missed out on so many conversations. My biggest fear was that I could not be helped with my hearing. Shawn is the greatest! The staff were so friendly. Shawn was so compassionate. I really felt like she cared so much. Hearing aids have made my life complete. Clarity Hearing is the place to come to because they go above and beyond to help people. Shawn is a jewel!!!

Mary Hunter

If you were having problems hearing, I highly recommended going to see Meagan or any of the staff at Clarity Hearing. They are knowledgeable and will answer any questions that you may have. They will work with you to make sure that you are fitted with the proper hearing aids for you needs.

Kimberly J

The Different Styles of Prescription Hearing Aids

Troubleshooting Videos

How To Pair Your Hearing Aids with Your iPhone

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Schedule Your Appointment Today 

It’s our duty to care for the hearing health of our local residents, if you’re experiencing balance concerns, we would be delighted to help. Schedule your appointment and allow our highly experienced and friendly team to assess your hearing and identify the reason for your imbalance.