Helping You Choose the Right Prescription Hearing Aids
When you think of hearing aids, who do you think of wearing them?
Hearing aids used to be looked at pretty negatively; those bulky, awkward devices of old, buzzing behind your grandpa’s ear at dinner weren’t exactly pretty!
Nowadays, modern hearing technology is significantly more powerful, and much more discreet. People won’t know you’re wearing a hearing aid at all with certain models that fit snugly in your ear canal, almost entirely invisible.
Many shy away from hearing aids for a multitude of reasons, the cost being one of them. With myriad insurance options and transparent plans for pricing, you can feel confident and reassured as you decide your best options with the support of professional hearing care experts guiding you.
If you or a loved one are dealing with a hearing loss challenge, we encourage you to not be apprehensive about hearing aids.
Modern technology has come far beyond the negative stigmas of old hearing aids— and taking care of your hearing health is certainly more important than looking “uncool,” in our opinion.

The Different Styles of Prescription Hearing Aids

Invisible-In-Canal (IIC)
The hearing aids so tiny, no one will know you’re wearing them.
Ideal for mild to moderate hearing loss, these custom-fitted aids come in a choice of colors and are inserted deeper into the ear canal than other styles, so, depending on the shape of your ear, they’re practically invisible when worn, which is a huge plus for the style-conscious wearer. For optimum comfort and hygiene, ensure you remove them daily.

Completely-In-Canal (CIC)
Only a tiny bit can be seen (but you have to really look for it).
Unlike the IICs, these aids are easily inserted and extracted from the ear canal, as the small “handle” peeps out the side. Custom-made and almost invisible, they come in a range of colors, and they’re a good choice for anyone with mild to moderate hearing loss that also suffers from a touch of diminished dexterity.

In-The-Canal (ITC)
Slightly more can be seen from the canal, but still discreet.
Mild to mildly severe hearing loss patients will benefit from ITC hearing aids due to their custom-fit, skin colored design, and easy to insert, extract structure. Easily disguised as part of your natural ear, these aids are the perfect option for someone whoes hearing is diminishing at a steady pace.

In-The-Ear (ITE)
Custom fit aids that fit within the outer portion of the ear.
Mildly severe to severe hearing loss patients can benefit from choosing the ITE hearing aids, as these provide maximum hearing coverage and comfort, due to their sleek design that moulds perfectly to the outer entrance of the ear canal. Available in all sorts of colors, they’re custom made and can be matched to your skin tone.

Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)
Small, discreet and quick to fit. Perfect for many first-time hearing aid wearers.
Barely visible when worn, the RIC style is an instrument in which the receiver, or speaker, is inside the ear canal. Thin electrical wires are used instead of a plastic acoustical tube, reducing distortion. RIC hearing aids provide a comfortable, open fit and are perfect for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
The most common hearing aid style.
When you think of hearing aids, the chances are you’re thinking of the BTE design. Usually worn by moderate to severe hearing loss patients, the technology is housed in the casing of these hearing aids, ensuring they rest comfortably behind the ear while the clear plastic acoustical tube sends the amplified sounds into a customized earmold that’s fitted inside the canal. Available in many different colors, they come with easy to use buttons and are highly discreet.
Troubleshooting Your Hearing Aid
Looking for how to pair your hearing aids to your iPhone? Check out our exclusive video guide!
Curious About Prescription Hearing Aids?
If you believe that hearing aids could do wonders for your hearing loss challenges or that of a loved one’s, you’re taking a huge step forward towards stronger, clearer health.
By partnering with a team of passionate hearing care experts, you can rest assured that your hearing health is in good hands.
You’ll be supported by gold-standard hearing care practices without the frills, enjoying the best of the best hearing aid technology at exactly the levels of care that you need most.
Fill out this form to schedule an appointment with us for a hearing assessment, and we’ll contact you as soon as we can to help you get started.
Don’t want to wait? Then why not call us at your nearest office
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