Safe & Professional Earwax Removal for Houston’s Ears
Have you been dealing with a sudden hearing loss, feelings of fullness in your ears, muffled sounds, or aching in your ears? A buildup of earwax, or cerumen, may be the cause.
Our ears need earwax to keep the inner ear safe from debris and foreign objects, but too much can cause issues with your hearing and balance.
If you or a loved one have been dealing with a buildup of earwax, you can get the impaction removed with ease with our professional ear cleaning services.

How Does Earwax Clean Your Ears?
Earwax is produced by special glands in the ear canal. It’s sticky and a little oily, so it attracts dirt, debris, dead skin cells, bacteria, and whatever else might be in your ear canal, forming it into a clump that naturally falls out as you talk or chew.
However, some of us produce more earwax than our ears truly need; as a result, it can gather up and lead to hearing and balance issues if it becomes impacted and stuck in your ear.
We need earwax, but not that much of it!
Earwax Removal is Quick, Easy, and Painless
Watch Dr. Scott Marquardt and Dr. Katie Miller demonstrate the process of earwax removal, with amazing results!
Can I Remove Earwax at Home?
There are multiple methods for removing your earwax at home, but none of them are particularly safe— or even effective. As irresistible as it might be to insert a cotton swab in your ear, we don’t recommend it, as they can cause further impaction or damage to your ear.
Here are four reasons why you should leave your earwax removal to a professional:
#1 - Earwax Removal Is Usually Unnecessary
#2 – At-Home Earwax Removal May Damage Your Ears
#3 - It Could Make Your Issue Worse
#4 – Excess Earwax Doesn’t Mean You’re Dirty!
What Happens During My Earwax Removal Appointment?

We Get To Know You

Ear Inspection

Unblocking Your Ears

Heavenly Relief

We Get To Know You
We always begin our appointments with a conversation about you and your hearing needs; the more that you share with us, the better your outcome will be.

Ear Inspection
Before we get to remove earwax, your ears receive a thorough examination with our expert tools so that you can rest assured your muffled hearing isn’t due to an infection.

Unblocking Your Ears
With a gentle flush of water or a curette for precise ear cleaning, your earwax removal appointment will be painless and stress-free.

Heavenly Relief
Many patients have told us that the removal of their earwax resulted in intense relief soon after!
Schedule Your Ear Cleaning Appointment Today!
To avoid making your earwax impaction worse, it’s important that you book in to see a professional for a painless ear cleaning session.
For professional hearing care led by industry experts that put your needs first without the extra frills, you’re in the right place—your ears are safe with us!
If you or a loved one are struggling with excess earwax, or experiencing symptoms of impacted earwax, please fill out this form to set up your earwax removal appointment with us today.
For a more immediate conversation, please find your closest clinic your nearest office and call us directly.
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