Questions left unanswered, misunderstandings, and disjointed conversations can become increasingly common as your loved one loses more and more of their ability to hear. You may find they aren’t showing up to family gatherings as often as they used to and are starting to isolate themselves. It can be hard to stand by and watch them struggle. Thankfully, you don’t have to. You can step in and help them get their hearing health back on track. It starts with a conversation.
If you’re not sure how to begin, here’s a guide to help you have that important first conversation.
Start with love
Facing the reality of having a hearing loss is difficult. Find some alone time with your loved one and explain what you’ve noticed about their hearing ability. Come from a place of love and compassion. Let them know that you’re concerned that they may have a hearing loss and how it could be affecting their everyday enjoyment of life. Then ask them if they have any similar concerns.
Do some myth busting
There are lots of myths and outdated stereotypes about having a hearing loss and its treatment. Dispelling these can go a long way to helping your loved one get the help they need. Let them know that there is far less stigma associated with a hearing loss today. Celebrities including Luis Miguel, Whoopi Goldberg, and Rob Lowe all have a hearing loss and are open about it. What’s more, hearing aids today are smaller, more comfortable, and more effective than ever before.
Offer your support
Let your loved one know that they don’t have to face their loss of hearing on their own. You are there to help. You can even get other friends and family involved, who are also willing to provide their support. Encourage your loved one to get their hearing tested, so they can find out the extent of their hearing loss and get the appropriate treatment. Offer to go along with them to their hearing test for emotional support. Or even better, why not book yourself a hearing test too? Everyone should get their hearing checked regularly and there is no better way to encourage your loved one to do so, than to lead by example.
We’re here to help
When your loved one feels ready to get their hearing tested, our Audiology specialists at Clarity Hearing are here to help. With our comprehensive hearing test, we’ll find out exactly what is going on with their hearing health and provide them with all of their options for treatment. If hearing aids are the right treatment, we’ll help them choose the right ones for their lifestyle, circumstances, and budget.
Click here to find your nearest Clarity Hearing in Conroe, Willowbrook, North Cypress, or The Woodlands.