The early stages of development are crucial to establishing a healthy life. Protect your child’s hearing now to avoid issues that could creep up sooner than you think

5 Proven Ways to Protect Your Child’s Hearing with Infant Ear Protection

by | Mar 15, 2023 | Children's Hearing, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Patient Resources

Hearing is a vital sense that helps us to communicate, navigate, and experience the world around us. As parents, we must ensure that our children’s hearing is protected and kept healthy.

With infants, it can be challenging to know how to protect their hearing from loud noises that can damage it. This article will provide five proven ways to protect your child’s hearing with infant ear protection.

We’ll discuss how you can protect your child’s hearing with ear protection and the best methods for using them. We’ll also discuss the potential risks of not using infant ear protection and the importance of monitoring the sound volume around your infant.

Finally, we’ll look at the potential long-term effects of noise-induced hearing loss and what parents can do to ensure their children’s hearing stays healthy.

By the end of this article, parents will have the knowledge and resources needed to protect their infants’ hearing with the proper ear protection.

Why Is Infant Hearing Protection Important?

Noise-induced hearing loss is a permanent hearing impairment that can be caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises. This type of hearing loss can significantly impact an infant’s development, including speech and language delays.

Babies are particularly susceptible to hearing damage from loud noises because their ears are still developing. Their delicate ear structures are not yet fully formed, making them more vulnerable to noise-induced hearing loss.

Infant hearing protection helps to protect a baby’s auditory system by blocking out loud noises. This can be done through the use of baby earmuffs, noise-canceling headphones, or children’s hearing aids.

Loud noises can cause an infant stress, leading to irritability and difficulty sleeping. Loud noises can also interfere with language and communication development, which can impact a baby’s cognitive development.

How Loud Is Too Loud?

The exact decibel level at which sound can damage a baby’s hearing is not known. Experts generally agree that any sound louder than 85 decibels can damage hearing, so it is best to avoid exposing babies to sounds that are that loud or louder.

Nurseries keep their sound level much lower at 50 decibels to be extra cautious during the early stages of life.

How Can I Protect My Child’s Hearing?

  • Monitor noise levels: Pay attention to the noise levels in your home and consider investing in noise-canceling headphones or earmuffs for your child if necessary. You can also use apps to measure your home’s noise levels and ensure they don’t exceed safe levels.
  • Set limits: Make sure your child isn’t exposed to too much loud noise, either from music or from other sources. Set limits on how loud the volume can be and how long your child can be exposed to loud noises.
  • Avoid exposure to loud noises: Whenever possible, avoid exposing your child to loud noises, such as concerts, sporting events, or noisy environments. If you must take your child to these types of places, use earplugs or earmuffs to protect their hearing.
  • Have regular hearing tests: Have your child’s hearing tested regularly to ensure there are no signs of hearing loss.
  • Teach your child: Make sure your child knows the importance of protecting their hearing. Teach them to use headphones and earplugs when necessary and to turn down the volume of their music or other devices.

Baby Earmuffs

Baby earmuffs are used to protect an infant’s ears from loud noise. Different models are available, such as noise-canceling earmuffs and adjustable models designed to fit over a baby’s ears. Some models even feature soft padding or a headband for added comfort.

Baby Ear Protection vs. Kids Ear Protection

Baby hearing protection is specifically designed for newborns to infants up to 24 months. These products are made with a softer, flexible material that shapes to the baby’s ears, providing comfort and an effective seal that blocks out loud sounds.

Baby hearing protection is usually worn only during loud events, such as concerts or fireworks, and is not a substitute for proper ear protection when exposed to loud, continuous noise.

Kids hearing protection is designed for children ages 2 to 18 years. These products are typically made with a harder, more durable material that is better suited for active kids who may be more prone to accidentally damaging their hearing protection.

Unlike baby hearing protection, kids hearing protection is designed for both loud, short-term events and for continuous exposure to loud noises, such as during sports or in a noisy classroom.

Does Your Child Have a Hearing Loss?

Keep a sharp eye out for these early signs of hearing loss in your child.

  • Not responding to their name being called 
  • Misunderstanding simple commands 
  • Difficulty hearing in noisy environments 
  • Complaints of ringing in the ears 
  • Difficulty following conversations 
  • Asking to have things repeated multiple times 
  • Speaking louder than usual

How Children’s Hearing Aids Can Help

Children’s hearing aids can help restore hearing to those with a hearing loss and improve their quality of life.

When a child is fitted for a hearing aid, we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best type of device for the child’s hearing loss. We also assess your child’s lifestyle and daily activities to determine the most beneficial hearing aid features.

Once the hearing aid is fitted correctly and programmed, we take the time to provide your child with instructions on how to use the device and take care of it.

Using a hearing aid helps kids to be more successful in school, at home, and in social settings. With our combined support, children can learn to use their hearing aids effectively and develop better listening and communication skills.

Contact us at any of our locations to discuss your family’s unique needs discreetly. We are happy to chat in a no-obligation setting to help you and your family achieve better hearing.

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Dr. Scott Marquardt - Doctor of Audiology & CEO of Clarity Hearing

Scott Marquardt is the owner of Clarity Hearing and a highly skilled audiologist who has been in practice for over 20 years. Dr. Marquardt earned a master’s degree in audiology from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, and a doctorate from A.T. Still University. He is a member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. He and the team offer comprehensive hearing healthcare services and specialize in the care of tinnitus, imbalance, and auditory processing disorders.

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