Our Foundation
Over $100,000 of Hearing Aids Given Away, Benefiting 122 Local People Through The Marquardt Hearing Foundation, Inc.
A personal message from our Founder, Dr. Scott Marquardt
My parents were middle-class people who both worked their whole lives, and when they both ended up needing hearing aids, I was astonished to find that they couldn’t afford them.
Their insurance didn’t cover it, and so I thought, “Well, if I grew up in a household where I didn’t really want for a lot, but they can’t provide this for themselves, then there’s got to be a lot of people who are in that same boat.”
I wanted a chance to help people who truly need help, but don’t have other options.
The other reason why I started the work I did here at Clarity Hearing is for the children; up until fairly recently, children in Texas didn’t have a hearing aid benefit through regular insurance.
Thankfully, this has been changed, and pediatric hearing aid benefits have been added to all insurances, meaning that children are now covered for hearing aids, so a big part of what we have done with the foundation is simply fitting kids with hearing aids.
Throughout the years since we launched the foundation, we’ve given away over $100,000 worth of hearing aids, and countless hours of care/specialized attention, helping over 100 local people.
If you would like to contribute towards the foundation or have any questions, then you can call us 936-788-2212.
Dr. Scott Marquadt